Incêndios fazem governo da Grécia ordenar evacuação de áreas no país

Um aviso do serviço de Proteção Civil orienta que as pessoas nas regiões de Vranas e Maratona evacuem os locais pelo risco de incêndios florestais fora de controle

Grécia pediu apoio de países europeus para combate aos incêndios  -  (crédito:  Angelos TZORTZINIS / AFP)
Grécia pediu apoio de países europeus para combate aos incêndios - (crédito: Angelos TZORTZINIS / AFP)

Novas atualizações do Centro de Operações do Corpo de Bombeiros da Grécia, emitidas nesta segunda-feira (12/8), apontam para perigo de novos incêndios pelos próximos dias. Em comunicado à imprensa, o chefe dos bombeiros, Vasilios Vathrakoyiannis, afirmou que parte dos focos de incêndio foram contidos, mas que as chamas estão espalhadas por várias regiões. O comunicado ressalta ainda que as “condições para início de incêndios continuam perigosas não só para amanhã, terça-feira, mas também para os próximos dias”.

Um aviso do serviço de Proteção Civil orienta que as pessoas nas regiões de Vranas e Maratona evacuem os locais. “As forças terrestres permanecem fortes. Agora não temos frente de fogo, mas sim muitos focos ativos, principalmente na área mais ampla do Monte Penteli e do Lago Maratona”, declarou o porta-voz. O comunicado aponta ainda que houve a denúncia de um desaparecimento na região. 

Mais cedo, o governo grego pediu o auxílio dos países vizinhos por meio do Mecanismo Europeu de Proteção Civil (MPCU). Até o momento, ofereceram suporte: França, Itália, República Tcheca, Sérvia, Romênia e Turquia. 

O incêndio eclodiu no domingo (11/8) em Varnava, vila que fica próxima a Atenas e se espalhou pelo nordeste de Ática, região que engloba a capital grega. A situação da Grécia é agravada devido à onda de calor enfrentada no país, com o registro do verão mais quente da história grega registrado neste ano.

  •  A house burns during a wildfire in Varnavas, north of Athens, on August 11, 2024. Greece was battling several wildfires on August 11, with smoke covering parts of the capital Athens in a haze, amid warnings for extreme weather conditions for the rest of the week. (Photo by Angelos TZORTZINIS / AFP)
    A house burns during a wildfire in Varnavas, north of Athens, on August 11, 2024. Greece was battling several wildfires on August 11, with smoke covering parts of the capital Athens in a haze, amid warnings for extreme weather conditions for the rest of the week. (Photo by Angelos TZORTZINIS / AFP) Angelos TZORTZINIS / AFP
  •  A helicopter drops a load of water over houses during a wildfire in Varnavas, north of Athens, on August 11, 2024. Greece was battling several wildfires on August 11, with smoke covering parts of the capital Athens in a haze, amid warnings for extreme weather conditions for the rest of the week. (Photo by Angelos TZORTZINIS / AFP)
    A helicopter drops a load of water over houses during a wildfire in Varnavas, north of Athens, on August 11, 2024. Greece was battling several wildfires on August 11, with smoke covering parts of the capital Athens in a haze, amid warnings for extreme weather conditions for the rest of the week. (Photo by Angelos TZORTZINIS / AFP) Angelos TZORTZINIS / AFP
  •  A firefighter gestures as he coordinates the fight against a wildfire in Grammatikos region in Attica on August 12, 2024. (Photo by Aris Oikonomou / AFP)
    A firefighter gestures as he coordinates the fight against a wildfire in Grammatikos region in Attica on August 12, 2024. (Photo by Aris Oikonomou / AFP) Aris Oikonomou / AFP
  •  Volunteers hold a water hose in order to help firefighters extinguish a fire in a wood factory in Vrilissia, on the outskirts of Athens, on August 12, 2024. Greeces civil protection authorities ordered the evacuation of several towns in the north-eastern suburbs of Athens, threatened by a violent fire that started the day before and is spreading. European Union said that four countries -- Italy, France, the Czech Republic and Romania -- would send assistance at the request of Greece which is combating a massive wildfire burning through Athens suburbs. (Photo by Aris Oikonomou / AFP)
    Volunteers hold a water hose in order to help firefighters extinguish a fire in a wood factory in Vrilissia, on the outskirts of Athens, on August 12, 2024. Greeces civil protection authorities ordered the evacuation of several towns in the north-eastern suburbs of Athens, threatened by a violent fire that started the day before and is spreading. European Union said that four countries -- Italy, France, the Czech Republic and Romania -- would send assistance at the request of Greece which is combating a massive wildfire burning through Athens suburbs. (Photo by Aris Oikonomou / AFP) Aris Oikonomou / AFP
  •  Greek firefighters saw a fence to enter a field as they try to extinguish a wildfire near Penteli, 12 August 2024. Greeces civil protection authorities ordered the evacuation of several towns in the north-eastern suburbs of Athens, threatened by a violent fire that started the day before and is spreading. European Union said that four countries -- Italy, France, the Czech Republic and Romania -- would send assistance at the request of Greece which is combating a massive wildfire burning through Athens suburbs. (Photo by Angelos TZORTZINIS / AFP)
    Greek firefighters saw a fence to enter a field as they try to extinguish a wildfire near Penteli, 12 August 2024. Greeces civil protection authorities ordered the evacuation of several towns in the north-eastern suburbs of Athens, threatened by a violent fire that started the day before and is spreading. European Union said that four countries -- Italy, France, the Czech Republic and Romania -- would send assistance at the request of Greece which is combating a massive wildfire burning through Athens suburbs. (Photo by Angelos TZORTZINIS / AFP) Angelos TZORTZINIS / AFP
  •  Volunteers try to extinguish a wildfire near Penteli, on August 12, 2024. Greeces civil protection authorities ordered the evacuation of several towns in the north-eastern suburbs of Athens, threatened by a violent fire that started the day before and is spreading. European Union said that four countries -- Italy, France, the Czech Republic and Romania -- would send assistance at the request of Greece which is combating a massive wildfire burning through Athens suburbs. (Photo by Angelos TZORTZINIS / AFP)
    Volunteers try to extinguish a wildfire near Penteli, on August 12, 2024. Greeces civil protection authorities ordered the evacuation of several towns in the north-eastern suburbs of Athens, threatened by a violent fire that started the day before and is spreading. European Union said that four countries -- Italy, France, the Czech Republic and Romania -- would send assistance at the request of Greece which is combating a massive wildfire burning through Athens suburbs. (Photo by Angelos TZORTZINIS / AFP) Angelos TZORTZINIS / AFP
  •  Volunteers try to extinguish a wildfire near Penteli, on August 12, 2024. Greeces civil protection authorities ordered the evacuation of several towns in the north-eastern suburbs of Athens, threatened by a violent fire that started the day before and is spreading. European Union said that four countries -- Italy, France, the Czech Republic and Romania -- would send assistance at the request of Greece which is combating a massive wildfire burning through Athens suburbs. (Photo by Angelos TZORTZINIS / AFP)
    Volunteers try to extinguish a wildfire near Penteli, on August 12, 2024. Greeces civil protection authorities ordered the evacuation of several towns in the north-eastern suburbs of Athens, threatened by a violent fire that started the day before and is spreading. European Union said that four countries -- Italy, France, the Czech Republic and Romania -- would send assistance at the request of Greece which is combating a massive wildfire burning through Athens suburbs. (Photo by Angelos TZORTZINIS / AFP) Angelos TZORTZINIS / AFP

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postado em 12/08/2024 20:12