Argentina: Milhares marcham no Dia do Trabalhador contra reforma trabalhista de Milei

Mudanças propostas por Milei estende período de experiência e impõe multa para empresas que não registram os trabalhadores

Grupos sindicais e políticos realizaram eventos em todo o país, embora o principal tenha sido no centro de Buenos Aires, com milhares de pessoas carregando faixas sindicais no centro da cidade.  -  (crédito: Luis ROBAYO / AFP)
Grupos sindicais e políticos realizaram eventos em todo o país, embora o principal tenha sido no centro de Buenos Aires, com milhares de pessoas carregando faixas sindicais no centro da cidade. - (crédito: Luis ROBAYO / AFP)

Milhares de pessoas, independentes e afiliadas a sindicatos, manifestaram-se nesta quarta-feira (1º) na Argentina pelo Dia do Trabalhador e contra a reforma trabalhista promovida pelo governo de Javier Milei. 

"Nós nos vemos obrigados a repudiar uma reforma trabalhista que retrocede os direitos dos trabalhadores, por isso este se torna um dia de luta e protesto", disse à AFP Maia Volcovinsky, membro da diretoria da Confederação Geral do Trabalho (CGT). 

A reforma trabalhista do Executivo estende o período de experiência para novos funcionários de três para seis meses e até um ano; impõe multas para empresas com trabalhadores não registrados para incentivar sua formalização e propõe a implementação de um fundo para substituir o atual sistema de indenização. 

Embora já tenha sido aprovado na Câmara dos Deputados, para que seja totalmente implementado, precisa ser aprovado no Senado argentino, onde o partido governista tem apenas sete dos 72 senadores. 

A CGT emitiu um comunicado no qual reivindicou a data e repudiou as medidas tomadas pelo governo de Milei.

"Quando todos os direitos sociais, trabalhistas, sindicais e previdenciários são ameaçados, é um dia de reivindicação e defesa das conquistas e dos direitos adquiridos que se pretende violar", afirmou a CGT no comunicado. 

Grupos sindicais e políticos realizaram eventos em todo o país, embora o principal tenha sido no centro de Buenos Aires, com milhares de pessoas carregando faixas sindicais no centro da cidade. 

"Estamos em um governo que não entende os trabalhadores, sua luta e a defesa dos sindicatos para os trabalhadores. Portanto, teremos dias e momentos difíceis se esse governo não mudar sua atitude em relação aos trabalhadores", disse Rubén Aguiar, padeiro e líder sindical, à AFP. 

Houve espaço para alguns momentos curiosos, como o de uma mulher que cantou um tango em homenagem a Eva Perón de sua janela aberta para a rua. 

"Ter tantos companheiros aqui me enche de emoção, peço a Deus que me dê forças para finalmente ver este país libertado daqueles que são inimigos dos trabalhadores", disse a mulher ao canal de notícias C5N.

  •  A woman takes a selfie photo in front of riot police as members of labor and social organizations march during a May Day (Labor Day) demonstration in Buenos Aires on May 1, 2024. (Photo by Luis ROBAYO / AFP)
    A woman takes a selfie photo in front of riot police as members of labor and social organizations march during a May Day (Labor Day) demonstration in Buenos Aires on May 1, 2024. (Photo by Luis ROBAYO / AFP) Caption Foto: Luis ROBAYO / AFP
  •  Members of labor and social organizations march during a May Day (Labor Day) demonstration in Buenos Aires on May 1, 2024. (Photo by Luis ROBAYO / AFP)
    Members of labor and social organizations march during a May Day (Labor Day) demonstration in Buenos Aires on May 1, 2024. (Photo by Luis ROBAYO / AFP) Caption Foto: Luis ROBAYO / AFP
  •  A man walks past posters rejecting Argentine President Javier Milei's government as members of labor and social organizations march during a May Day (Labor Day) demonstration in Buenos Aires on May 1, 2024. (Photo by Luis ROBAYO / AFP)
    A man walks past posters rejecting Argentine President Javier Milei's government as members of labor and social organizations march during a May Day (Labor Day) demonstration in Buenos Aires on May 1, 2024. (Photo by Luis ROBAYO / AFP) Caption Foto: Luis ROBAYO / AFP
  •  Aerial view of union organizations marching during a May Day (Labor Day) demonstration in Buenos Aires on May 1, 2024. (Photo by Luis ROBAYO / AFP)
    Aerial view of union organizations marching during a May Day (Labor Day) demonstration in Buenos Aires on May 1, 2024. (Photo by Luis ROBAYO / AFP) Caption Foto: Luis ROBAYO / AFP
  •  Hector Daer (C), the general secretary of the General Confederation of Labor (CGT), walks escorted by his bodyguards during a May Day (Labor Day) demonstration in Buenos Aires on May 1, 2024. (Photo by Luis ROBAYO / AFP)
    Hector Daer (C), the general secretary of the General Confederation of Labor (CGT), walks escorted by his bodyguards during a May Day (Labor Day) demonstration in Buenos Aires on May 1, 2024. (Photo by Luis ROBAYO / AFP) Caption Foto: Luis ROBAYO / AFP
  •  Members of left-wing organizations and parties protest at Plaza de Mayo Square during a May Day (Labor Day) demonstration in Buenos Aires on May 1, 2024. (Photo by Luis ROBAYO / AFP)
    Members of left-wing organizations and parties protest at Plaza de Mayo Square during a May Day (Labor Day) demonstration in Buenos Aires on May 1, 2024. (Photo by Luis ROBAYO / AFP) Caption Foto: Luis ROBAYO / AFP
  •  A man holds a placard against labor reform next to riot police as members of labor and social organizations march during a May Day (Labor Day) demonstration in Buenos Aires on May 1, 2024. (Photo by Luis ROBAYO / AFP)
    A man holds a placard against labor reform next to riot police as members of labor and social organizations march during a May Day (Labor Day) demonstration in Buenos Aires on May 1, 2024. (Photo by Luis ROBAYO / AFP) Caption Foto: Luis ROBAYO / AFP
  •  A woman holds a Palestinian flag in front of riot police as members of labor and social organizations march during a May Day (Labor Day) demonstration in Buenos Aires on May 1, 2024. (Photo by Luis ROBAYO / AFP)
    A woman holds a Palestinian flag in front of riot police as members of labor and social organizations march during a May Day (Labor Day) demonstration in Buenos Aires on May 1, 2024. (Photo by Luis ROBAYO / AFP) Caption Foto: Luis ROBAYO / AFP
  •  Members of labor and social organizations march during a May Day (Labor Day) demonstration in Buenos Aires on May 1, 2024. (Photo by Luis ROBAYO / AFP)
    Members of labor and social organizations march during a May Day (Labor Day) demonstration in Buenos Aires on May 1, 2024. (Photo by Luis ROBAYO / AFP) Caption Foto: Luis ROBAYO / AFP
  •  A man walks past posters rejecting Argentine President Javier Milei's government as members of labor and social organizations march during a May Day (Labor Day) demonstration in Buenos Aires on May 1, 2024. (Photo by Luis ROBAYO / AFP)
    A man walks past posters rejecting Argentine President Javier Milei's government as members of labor and social organizations march during a May Day (Labor Day) demonstration in Buenos Aires on May 1, 2024. (Photo by Luis ROBAYO / AFP) Caption Foto: Luis ROBAYO / AFP
  •  Aerial view of union organizations marching during a May Day (Labor Day) demonstration in Buenos Aires on May 1, 2024. (Photo by Luis ROBAYO / AFP)
    Aerial view of union organizations marching during a May Day (Labor Day) demonstration in Buenos Aires on May 1, 2024. (Photo by Luis ROBAYO / AFP) Caption Foto: Luis ROBAYO / AFP
  •  Hector Daer (C), the general secretary of the General Confederation of Labor (CGT), walks escorted by his bodyguards during a May Day (Labor Day) demonstration in Buenos Aires on May 1, 2024. (Photo by Luis ROBAYO / AFP)
    Hector Daer (C), the general secretary of the General Confederation of Labor (CGT), walks escorted by his bodyguards during a May Day (Labor Day) demonstration in Buenos Aires on May 1, 2024. (Photo by Luis ROBAYO / AFP) Caption Foto: Luis ROBAYO / AFP
  •  Members of left-wing organizations and parties protest at Plaza de Mayo Square during a May Day (Labor Day) demonstration in Buenos Aires on May 1, 2024. (Photo by Luis ROBAYO / AFP)
    Members of left-wing organizations and parties protest at Plaza de Mayo Square during a May Day (Labor Day) demonstration in Buenos Aires on May 1, 2024. (Photo by Luis ROBAYO / AFP) Caption Foto: Luis ROBAYO / AFP
  •  A man holds a placard against labor reform next to riot police as members of labor and social organizations march during a May Day (Labor Day) demonstration in Buenos Aires on May 1, 2024. (Photo by Luis ROBAYO / AFP)
    A man holds a placard against labor reform next to riot police as members of labor and social organizations march during a May Day (Labor Day) demonstration in Buenos Aires on May 1, 2024. (Photo by Luis ROBAYO / AFP) Caption Foto: Luis ROBAYO / AFP
  •  A woman holds a Palestinian flag in front of riot police as members of labor and social organizations march during a May Day (Labor Day) demonstration in Buenos Aires on May 1, 2024. (Photo by Luis ROBAYO / AFP)
    A woman holds a Palestinian flag in front of riot police as members of labor and social organizations march during a May Day (Labor Day) demonstration in Buenos Aires on May 1, 2024. (Photo by Luis ROBAYO / AFP) Caption Foto: Luis ROBAYO / AFP
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postado em 01/05/2024 17:18 / atualizado em 01/05/2024 17:18