Foi desmontado nesta sexta-feira (20/1) nos Estados Unidos um muro de contêineres instalado há poucos meses pelo então governador do Arizona, o republicano Doug Ducey, ao custo de US$ 100 milhões.
Ducey ordenou que uma enorme fila de contêineres fosse colocada na fronteira dos Estados Unidos com o México, durante os últimos meses de seu governo, medida que descreveu como uma tentativa de combater a migração em situação ilegal.
Depois de ser processado por Washington, por colocar contêineres em terras federais na Floresta Nacional de Coronado, Ducey, derrotado pela democrata Katie Hobbs na última eleição, concordou em removê-los, em dezembro passado.
AFP - Looking like a train traveling across the desert, a long row of shipping containers stacked to create a wall between the United States and Mexico awaits removal in the Coronado National Forest near Hereford, Arizona, on January 20, 2023. - A wall of shipping containers installed just a few months ago by the then-governor of Arizona at a $100 million cost to US taxpayers was being dismantled on January 20.
Republican Doug Ducey ordered the huge line of shipping containers to be placed at the frontier between the United States and Mexico, during the final months of his administration, in what he said was a bid to stem illegal immigration. But after being sued by Washington for putting the containers on federal land in the Coronado National Forest, Ducey -- who has since been suceeded by Democrat Katie Hobbs -- agreed in December to remove them. (Photo by Robyn BECK / AFP)
AFP - Looking like a train traveling across the desert, a long row of shipping containers stacked to create a wall between the United States and Mexico awaits removal in the Coronado National Forest near Hereford, Arizona, on January 20, 2023. - A wall of shipping containers installed just a few months ago by the then-governor of Arizona at a $100 million cost to US taxpayers was being dismantled on January 20.
Republican Doug Ducey ordered the huge line of shipping containers to be placed at the frontier between the United States and Mexico, during the final months of his administration, in what he said was a bid to stem illegal immigration. But after being sued by Washington for putting the containers on federal land in the Coronado National Forest, Ducey -- who has since been suceeded by Democrat Katie Hobbs -- agreed in December to remove them. (Photo by Robyn BECK / AFP)
"Não conseguia acreditar que o governador Ducey achou que isso fosse uma boa ideia", comentou a moradora do Arizona Debbie McGuire, enquanto um caminhão avançava pela estrada empoeirada levando um contêiner vazio. "É absolutamente ridículo instalar contêineres que nunca funcionariam para manter qualquer pessoa longe", acrescentou. "É um desperdício total do dinheiro do contribuinte."
A iniciativa do muro de contêineres de Ducey começou em meados de 2022 e foi rapidamente contestada, com críticos que consideravam se tratar de uma "manobra cínica" que afetaria o meio ambiente e não faria diferença no número de travessias ilegais de fronteira.
O Arizona compartilha cerca de 600 quilômetros de fronteira com o México, incluindo áreas de preservação, parques nacionais, zonas militares e reservas indígenas.