Ano Novo

Ano Novo: Alguns países já celebram a chegada de 2023, acompanhe!

Em celebração ao novo ano que chegou, alguns países já coloriram o céu com fogos e iniciaram as comemorações pela chegada de 2023

Yasmin Rajab
postado em 31/12/2022 13:16 / atualizado em 31/12/2022 14:20
New Years Eve fireworks light up the sky over the Harbour Bridge during the fireworks display in Sydney on January 1, 2023.       -  (crédito: Muhammad FAROOQ / AFP)
New Years Eve fireworks light up the sky over the Harbour Bridge during the fireworks display in Sydney on January 1, 2023. - (crédito: Muhammad FAROOQ / AFP)

O novo ano já começou em alguns países ao redor do mundo. Já é 2023 na Austrália, Japão, Coreia do Sul, Nova Zelândia, Taiwan, China e Filipinas e, para comemorar, os animados festeiros já coloriram o céu com fogos de artifício e iniciaram as comemorações.

Os primeiros países a celebrar o ano novo são os que ficam localizados no Oceano Pacífico. Já Honalulu, no estado do Havaí, Estados Unidos, é o último local a sair de 2022.  

Com 16 horas à frente do horário de Brasília, a Nova Zelândia foi o primeiro país a entrar em 2023. A virada do ano foi celebrada com uma queima de fogos sobre a Sky Tower, centro da cidade de Auckland. 

Na Austrália, a comemoração foi em Sydney, perto da Opera House, um dos principais pontos turísticos da cidade. 

Acompanhe a virada do ano na Austrália, Japão e Coreia do Sul: 

Coreia do Sul

  • People celebrate after midnight during a countdown event to mark the New Year at the Bosingak pavilion in central Seoul on January 1, 2023. Jung Yeon-je / AFP
  • People celebrate after midnight during a countdown event to mark the New Year at the Bosingak pavilion in central Seoul on January 1, 2023. Jung Yeon-je / AFP
  • People celebrate after midnight during a countdown event to mark the New Year at the Bosingak pavilion in central Seoul on January 1, 2023. Jung Yeon-je / AFP
  • People celebrate after midnight during a countdown event to mark the New Year at the Bosingak pavilion in central Seoul on January 1, 2023. Jung Yeon-je / AFP
  • People celebrate after midnight during a countdown event to mark the New Year at the Bosingak pavilion in central Seoul on January 1, 2023. Jung Yeon-je / AFP


  • People celebrate the start of New Years Day at midnight at Shibuya Crossing in Tokyo early on January 1, 2023. Richard A. BROOKS / AFP
  • People celebrate the start of New Years Day at midnight at Shibuya Crossing in Tokyo early on January 1, 2023. Richard A. BROOKS / AFP
  • People celebrate the start of New Years Day at midnight at Shibuya Crossing in Tokyo early on January 1, 2023. Richard A. BROOKS / AFP


  • New Year's Eve fireworks light up the sky over the Harbour Bridge during the fireworks display in Sydney on January 1, 2023. Muhammad FAROOQ / AFP
  • New Year's Eve fireworks light up the sky over the Harbour Bridge during the fireworks display in Sydney on January 1, 2023. Muhammad FAROOQ / AFP
  • New Year's Eve fireworks light up the sky over the Harbour Bridge during the fireworks display in Sydney on January 1, 2023. Muhammad FAROOQ / AFP
  • New Year's Eve fireworks light up the sky over the Harbour Bridge during the fireworks display in Sydney on January 1, 2023. Muhammad FAROOQ / AFP
  • New Year's Eve fireworks light up the sky over the Harbour Bridge during the fireworks display in Sydney on January 1, 2023. Muhammad FAROOQ / AFP


  • Fireworks light up the sky in Manila to celebrate during New Year celebrations on January 1, 2023. JAM STA ROSA / AFP
  • Fireworks light up the sky in Manila to celebrate during New Year celebrations on January 1, 2023. JAM STA ROSA / AFP
  • Fireworks light up the sky in Manila to celebrate during New Year celebrations on January 1, 2023. JAM STA ROSA / AFP
  • Fireworks light up the sky over Jones Bridge in Manila to celebrate during New Year celebrations on January 1, 2023. JAM STA ROSA / AFP
  • Fireworks light up the sky over Jones Bridge in Manila to celebrate during New Year celebrations on January 1, 2023. JAM STA ROSA / AFP


  • Bystanders look on as fireworks light up the sky for New Year celebrations over Taipei 101 in Taipei on January 1, 2023. Jameson WU / AFP


  • Revellers watch a fireworks and laser show as they celebrate the New Year next to Victoria Harbour in Hong Kong on January 1, 2023. ISAAC LAWRENCE / AFP
  • Revellers watch a fireworks and laser show as they celebrate the New Year next to Victoria Harbour in Hong Kong on January 1, 2023. ISAAC LAWRENCE / AFP
  • Revellers watch a fireworks and laser show as they celebrate the New Year next to Victoria Harbour in Hong Kong on January 1, 2023. ISAAC LAWRENCE / AFP
  • Revellers watch a fireworks and laser show as they celebrate the New Year next to Victoria Harbour in Hong Kong on January 1, 2023. ISAAC LAWRENCE / AFP
  • Revellers watch a fireworks and laser show as they celebrate the New Year next to Victoria Harbour in Hong Kong on January 1, 2023. ISAAC LAWRENCE / AFP
  • Revellers watch a fireworks and laser show as they celebrate the New Year next to Victoria Harbour in Hong Kong on January 1, 2023. ISAAC LAWRENCE / AFP
  • Revellers watch a fireworks and laser show as they celebrate the New Year next to Victoria Harbour in Hong Kong on January 1, 2023. ISAAC LAWRENCE / AFP
  • Revellers watch a fireworks and laser show as they celebrate the New Year next to Victoria Harbour in Hong Kong on January 1, 2023. ISAAC LAWRENCE / AFP
  • Revellers watch a fireworks and laser show as they celebrate the New Year next to Victoria Harbour in Hong Kong on January 1, 2023. ISAAC LAWRENCE / AFP
  • Revellers watch a fireworks and laser show as they celebrate the New Year next to Victoria Harbour in Hong Kong on January 1, 2023. ISAAC LAWRENCE / AFP
  • Revellers watch a fireworks and laser show as they celebrate the New Year next to Victoria Harbour in Hong Kong on January 1, 2023. ISAAC LAWRENCE / AFP
  • Revellers watch a fireworks and laser show as they celebrate the New Year next to Victoria Harbour in Hong Kong on January 1, 2023. ISAAC LAWRENCE / AFP
  • Revellers watch a fireworks and laser show as they celebrate the New Year next to Victoria Harbour in Hong Kong on January 1, 2023. ISAAC LAWRENCE / AFP

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