
Presidente italiano toma posse no Parlamento

Sergio Mattarella presidente eleito da Itália, para um segundo mandato de sete ano, tomou posse no Parlamento

Agence France-Presse
postado em 03/02/2022 15:07 / atualizado em 03/02/2022 15:08
 (crédito:  AFP)
(crédito: AFP)

O presidente da República Italiana, Sergio Mattarella, eleito no sábado para um segundo mandato de sete anos apesar de sua relutância inicial, tomou posse, nesta quinta-feira (3), no Parlamento.

"Chega de atrasos ou incertezas sobre as emergências do país", pediu Mattarella, de 80 anos, convidando o Parlamento a "reconstruir" a Itália após a crise do coronavírus.

"Meus pensamentos vão para todos os italianos, de qualquer idade, religião ou orientação política, e em particular aos mais vulneráveis, que esperam garantias e ajuda das instituições para superar o infortúnio", destacou.

 Italian re-elected 13th president Sergio Mattarella gives a speech during an official ceremony at the Quirinale palace after his swearing-in ceremony at the parliament in Rome on February 3, 2022. - After Italy's bickering political parties failed to agree on a candidate for his successor, and the threat of snap elections reared its head, Mattarella finally agreed for a second term on January 29. (Photo by GUGLIELMO MANGIAPANE / POOL / AFP)
Italian re-elected 13th president Sergio Mattarella gives a speech during an official ceremony at the Quirinale palace after his swearing-in ceremony at the parliament in Rome on February 3, 2022. - After Italy's bickering political parties failed to agree on a candidate for his successor, and the threat of snap elections reared its head, Mattarella finally agreed for a second term on January 29. (Photo by GUGLIELMO MANGIAPANE / POOL / AFP) (foto: AFP)

Mattarella foi reeleito no sábado após uma maratona de votações que expôs as divisões na coalizão do governo em um período crucial de recuperação econômica pós-pandemia.

Durante o seu discurso, muitas vezes interrompido por aplausos, o presidente da República citou o papa Francisco, "cujo magistério a Itália olha com muito respeito", e a atriz Monica Vitti, "protagonista da vida cultural do país".

Mattarella também falou da crise na Ucrânia depois de alertar que a Europa "não pode aceitar (...) que o vento do confronto (...) e as demonstrações de força aumentem e deve dar lugar ao entendimento recíproco".

O presidente dirigiu-se então ao Altar da Pátria, no coração de Roma, junto aos Fóruns Imperiais, para depositar uma coroa de flores no Túmulo do Soldado Desconhecido.

A reeleição de Mattarella garante uma fase de estabilidade política, além de garantir a manutenção do primeiro-ministro Mario Draghi, que chegou a estar em um determinado momento entre os favoritos à presidência.

 Italian re-elected 13th president Sergio Mattarella leaves after a speech during an official ceremony at the Quirinale palace following his swearing-in ceremony at the parliament in Rome on February 3, 2022. - After Italy's bickering political parties failed to agree on a candidate for his successor, and the threat of snap elections reared its head, Mattarella finally agreed for a second term on January 29. (Photo by GUGLIELMO MANGIAPANE / POOL / AFP)
Italian re-elected 13th president Sergio Mattarella leaves after a speech during an official ceremony at the Quirinale palace following his swearing-in ceremony at the parliament in Rome on February 3, 2022. - After Italy's bickering political parties failed to agree on a candidate for his successor, and the threat of snap elections reared its head, Mattarella finally agreed for a second term on January 29. (Photo by GUGLIELMO MANGIAPANE / POOL / AFP) (foto: AFP)

Embora as funções do presidente sejam essencialmente honorárias na Itália - governada por um sistema parlamentarista - é um cargo delicado, com poder de dissolver o Parlamento. Assim, costuma-se escolher uma personalidade de renome, com notáveis habilidades de mediação e que esteja acima dos interesses partidários.

Os partidos políticos não conseguiram chegar a um acordo sobre uma candidatura alternativa durante as primeiras sete rodadas de votação, que começaram em 24 de janeiro.

Mattarella garantiu em várias ocasiões que não queria ser reeleito para mais sete anos, mas no sábado, a pedido dos partidos e após um movimento formado por parlamentares dos dois blocos, de direita e progressista, ele aceitou, desbloqueando assim a situação.

Político veterano e jurista íntegro, experimentou pessoalmente os horrores da máfia após o assassinato de seu irmão na Sicília em 1980. O presidente reeleito da República Italiana é um católico reservado, que iniciou sua carreira política há mais de 30 anos atrás nas fileiras da outrora poderosa Democracia Cristã.


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  •  Italian re-elected 13th president Sergio Mattarella arrives in his Lancia Flaminia 335 to the Quirinale palace after his swearing-in ceremony at the parliament in Rome on February 3, 2022. - After Italy's bickering political parties failed to agree on a candidate for his successor, and the threat of snap elections reared its head, Mattarella finally agreed for a second term on January 29. (Photo by Gregorio Borgia / POOL / AFP)
    Italian re-elected 13th president Sergio Mattarella arrives in his Lancia Flaminia 335 to the Quirinale palace after his swearing-in ceremony at the parliament in Rome on February 3, 2022. - After Italy's bickering political parties failed to agree on a candidate for his successor, and the threat of snap elections reared its head, Mattarella finally agreed for a second term on January 29. (Photo by Gregorio Borgia / POOL / AFP) Foto: AFP
  •  Italian re-elected 13th president Sergio Mattarella gives a speech during an official ceremony at the Quirinale palace after his swearing-in ceremony at the parliament in Rome on February 3, 2022. - After Italy's bickering political parties failed to agree on a candidate for his successor, and the threat of snap elections reared its head, Mattarella finally agreed for a second term on January 29. (Photo by GUGLIELMO MANGIAPANE / POOL / AFP)
    Italian re-elected 13th president Sergio Mattarella gives a speech during an official ceremony at the Quirinale palace after his swearing-in ceremony at the parliament in Rome on February 3, 2022. - After Italy's bickering political parties failed to agree on a candidate for his successor, and the threat of snap elections reared its head, Mattarella finally agreed for a second term on January 29. (Photo by GUGLIELMO MANGIAPANE / POOL / AFP) Foto: AFP
  •  Italian re-elected 13th president Sergio Mattarella leaves after a speech during an official ceremony at the Quirinale palace following his swearing-in ceremony at the parliament in Rome on February 3, 2022. - After Italy's bickering political parties failed to agree on a candidate for his successor, and the threat of snap elections reared its head, Mattarella finally agreed for a second term on January 29. (Photo by GUGLIELMO MANGIAPANE / POOL / AFP)
    Italian re-elected 13th president Sergio Mattarella leaves after a speech during an official ceremony at the Quirinale palace following his swearing-in ceremony at the parliament in Rome on February 3, 2022. - After Italy's bickering political parties failed to agree on a candidate for his successor, and the threat of snap elections reared its head, Mattarella finally agreed for a second term on January 29. (Photo by GUGLIELMO MANGIAPANE / POOL / AFP) Foto: AFP
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